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Sick To Death Of Second Guessing Yourself?
Are you a powerlifter who is starting to see those beginner gains ween off?
You are not knowing how to organise your training or recovery to optimise your results & feel like your efforts are going to waste.
Or are you a bodybuilder looking to achieve your best physique but have fallen short of it because of lack of guidance & structure?
You ran out of time so didn’t get lean enough or “missed your peak”.
Or maybe you don’t have any competitive aspirations but you want to take your strength and/or physique to the next level but you don’t know what to focus on & are getting confused with information overload.
This is where my coaching can help.
I coach my athletes to their next PRs while bulletproofing their nutrition & mindset using a principle based coaching system with no time wasted.

What is Storey Strength Coaching?
Storey Strength Coaching is a fully personalised 1-1 coaching service where I help aspiring & competitive powerlifters & bodybuilders to their best.
While you do not need to be an athlete to work with me, you will be treated like one, be pushed towards your highest potential & out of your comfort zone - where true results are found.
When you sign up with me you will receive;
A personalised training programme specific to your goals, abilities & equipment availability
Nutrition coaching centred around improving diet quality, quantity & building lifelong habits.
Weekly check ins to keep you accountable
Whatsapp contact
Monthly webinar,
Access to my client community group
A tonne of educational resources to help you in every regard.
My aim is to get you an amazing result while helping you to the level of knowledge where you can effectively coach yourself.
Want to know more of the inner workings? Watch the video below

Meet Your Coach
I am Shane, the owner of Storey Strength Coaching, certified personal trainer & nutritionist.
I have been working in the coaching industry since 2018 working with the average gym goer to powerlifters to aspiring bodybuilders to improve their body composition, get stronger, become better athletes & master their nutrition + mindset.
Personally, I'm a competitive natural bodybuilder + drug tested powerlifter having competed in 6 shows (2x National Titles) + 7 meets to date so I understand what it takes to reach your goals, I’ve experience your struggles & know your needs.
One of the biggest challenges I had starting out was knowing where to source good information, what was the best programme to follow, how long to follow it, how to structure nutrition - you name it I was asking it!
When I started there was such a lack of good information online vs now there is almost too much that it can be hard to distill down to what matters.
Luckily for you & my clients, I’ve made the mistakes so you don't have to, I’ve done the research, spent the thousands of hours & euros on courses to ensure I know how to get to the root of what really matters for you to achieve your goals.
To teach my clients, I draw on these years of experience, continuing education & research to get them their best results.

Qualifications & Courses Completed To Date
- EQF LVL 4 Personal Trainer (NCT Ireland)
- Precision Nutrition 1
- Mac Nutrition Uni w/ Full Honors - Distinction
- USAPL Powerlifting Coach Certification
- JPS Education Powerlifting Fundamentals
- RTS Emerging Strategies
- J3U - Advanced Physique Development
- Pre-Script Level 1 & Pre-Script Barbell Certificate

Q. How does online coaching work?
It all starts with the applying which you can do through one of the many buttons on this page! After that you will be taken straight to my whatsapp where we can have a brief chat about your goals.
If we are a good fit & you are ready to start coaching, I will send you over the initial payment link & my calendar to book in a call.
After you have booked your call on a time & date that suits you, I’ll whatsapp you over a consultation form to fill out prior to the call. This form gives me the information I need to know to be able to give you a clear roadmap on the approach we will take, identifying the bottlenecks in your progress so far, biggest struggles but also your biggest strengths & how we can leverage them to our advantage.
Once we have both decided on some actions you can implement straight away following our call, I’ll get to work on your plan. In the meantime, you will get access to the client resources to have a look around & read what interests you.
After 2-4 days, I’ll have your training & nutrition plan & google drive folder ready to rock which will be delivered through email alongside a video walk through of how to use your spreadsheet, things to action, what I expect of you & you can expect of me.
We will use a google drive with a spreadsheet where we will have your programme , measurements of progress & much more.
Q. How do you deliver check ins?
Our check ins will be once a week in which I review your coaching documents, training videos & any other information you provide me so that we can make adjustments to the plan as its needed to keep your progressing.
Your check in is delivered in a video format in which I will aim to motivate, educate & provide accountability to you towards the goal.
Outside of check ins, we will communicate through WhatsApp where you can ask questions as you have them & send training videos for review so you get the most from your training.
Q. How long is it before I will see results?
If you follow the plan I outline, check-in every week and perform the tasks I set you, you should begin to see results within the first 1-2 months.
As always, your results reflect the time and effort you’re willing to invest. The more you put in, the better the outcome will be for you.
Q. Do you have a minimum commitment?
Although there is no long-term financial tie-in, I do require a minimum commitment of 3 months before we start working together. If we’re both serious about getting results, making serious changes to your strength & physique while developing your knowledge along the way, anything under 12 weeks is just not going to be effective.
Month 1 is very much just getting you up to speed with your training/nutrition plan, getting used to working together and developing a good line of communication.
Month 2 I’ll have a better understanding of your individual needs, you’ll be gaining consistency with your plan and starting to see evident changes.
Month 3 you’ll be gaining real momentum and the results will be coming in fast.
Q. How are payments taken?
All of my clients pay via recurring monthly subscription . I use Stripe to handle payments. It's quick and easy to set-up, widely recognised and secure.
The payments then simply roll from month-to-month, whenever you wish to end your coaching term, you can cancel at any time.
Q. Who do you coach?
I coach the serious trainee who wants to take their strength and/or physique to the next level. Whether you are competing or not, to me you are an athlete & I will push you to the best of your abilities to unlock that next level.
For my full coaching, a minimum of 12 months consistent training experience is recommended.
If you are looking to compete in bodybuilding, I expect at least 6 months of working together in an off season before a prep unless you are already a seasoned athlete.
My nutrition coaching is specifically for competitive athletes in powerlifting.
Q. How much does it cost?
Full training & nutrition coaching - 239€ per month OR 3 months up front 627€
Nutrition Only - 179€ per month OR 3 months up front 485€
Minimum sign up commitment is 12 weeks.